I have a special relationship with my magical moon.
I recognise and vibe with my moon and her phases.
I recharge and reset by my moon.
I have always "tried" to get sharp clear pictures of the craters and oceans and bright sports and darkness of my moon. My auld faithful EOS600D and kit lens with 250mm zoom just couldn't cut the sharpness and clarity of image I was aiming for. 
Entering 2024 I felt moved to sharpen and improve on my moon capture game.
Both moons captured on my R7. 
The almost full moon is taken with a lens at 400mm, and the full moon is taken with a lens at 400mm with a 2x convertor, so at 800mm. Grateful for the opportunity to play with my photography buddies lenses.... the play assisted on my aligning with my decision to buy Canon's newest RF 200-800 lens! HA! 
Happy Moonchild am I. 

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